“A helping hand” is a film commissioned by Ministerio Publico do Trabalho as part of their campaign against child labour. Our story is told around Toby, a youngster who used to collect rubbish in order to help his family financially. One day he started to ‘help out’ at the local factory and management loved how he showed his effort… but that came with a huge price: Toby’s energy and time to study and play.
Executive Producer - Alberto Lopes e Sergio Salles
Director - Mateus de Paula Santos e Aron Matschulat Aguiar
Client Management - Thais Lopes
Producer - Gustavo Banevicius
Storyboard - Ivan Freire, Rafael Fernandes e Pedro Jones
Concept Artists - Pedro Jones, Rafael Fernandes e Wilson Panassi
CG Director - Danilo Enoki e Marcos Samia
Modeling Coordination- Danilo Enoki e Filipe Lopes
Modeling - Luiza Takayassu, Sayuri Watanabe, Ozani Ferreira, Marcelo Pasqua, Marcel Fukuwara e Alex Liki
Animation Coordinator - Jerome Saravá
Animators - Jerome Saravá, Camila Silva, Daniel Bahia, Éder Cardoso, Jorge Zagatto, Michael Maron, Raphael Vinicius, Ronaldo Brito, Stephanie Kajimoto, Yuti Gnu e Zé Alexandre
Rigging Coordinator - Leonardo Cadaval
Rigging - Flavio Castello, Felipe Gimenes, Henrique Ribeiro, Lucas Magalhães
Matte Painting - Montalvo Machado
LookDev & Render - Luiz Benassi, Bruno Macedo e Rodrigo Sória
Compositing - Isabela Ferrari, Leonardo Augusto da Silva, Leandro Pena e Carlos Campos
Colorist - Leticia Blanco
Editing - Aron M. Aguiar
VFX - Eduardo Lopes
Post Production Coordinators - Clara Morelli e Rosangela Gomes
Coordination Assistant - Tainá Soares
Music and SFX - Anvil FX Music & Sound Design
Narrator - Richard Popple
VO Recording - The Listening Tower